
“John Florio created a nationality-straddling persona for himself that was unique in England at that time…”

This MA dissertation, written by Tina Kover, will subject Florio’s life and career through the lens of Greenblatt’s theory of self-fashioning, analysing the prefaces of four of Florio’s books, in order to examine in detail how self-presentation determined and functioned within one individual’s professional life.

For Kover, John Florio “created a nationality-straddling persona for himself that was unique in England at that time”, bringing him ultimately into the highest echelons of seventeenth-century English society.

I wish to express my deepest gratitude to translator Tina Kover, who allowed me to publish her MA thesis on this website.

Giovanni Florio, known as John Florio, is recognised as the most important humanist in Renaissance's England.

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