
The city of Parma proposes a series of five conferences on The Merchant of Venice and Shakespeare, with a special seminar on John Florio.

On the occasion of the national premiere of The Merchant of Venice directed by Walter Le Moli, from March 11 to April 3 2020, Fondazione Teatro Due in Parma proposes a series of five lectures about one of the most famous and at the same time ambiguous texts by William Shakespeare.

The fifth and last conference, on April 3 2020 will be dedicated to John Florio. Laura Orsi, Adjunct Professor of Italian Studies at Franklin University Switzerland in Lugano, former professor of Italian language, literature and civilization at Warburg Institute and Duke University (North Carolina), will discuss about the life and works on John Florio, and his relationship with Shakespeare.

Read the full schedule of events here.

Giovanni Florio, known as John Florio, is recognised as the most important humanist in Renaissance's England.

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